Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Two Weeks Old

This face sums up how our day has been!
Our morning..well my morning..started around 3:30 when Ella woke up puking. I went in to check on her and she had a huge mess (actually messes, why can't they keep it in one pile!) so I strip her down and give her new jammies, then send her to the couch with Joe. I then had to clean up her crib and start a load of that time Lily was awake and letting everyone know she was ready to eat! The rest of the night went okay, but Ella was up at 7, way earlier then normal! Ella slept most of the afternoon(12-3:30) and then was ready to go out and play. She came in complaining about the dog, which she does a lot soI didn't think much of it, but then I smelled her... she had dog poo all over her..nice! So I put her back outside and cleaned
the kitchen floor, then strip her down again (outside) and put her in the sink to soak and I start more laundry...I guess at least now I have a really clean floor and Ellas bedding probably needed washed anyway!

Ella spends a lot of time in the bath these days..
She sure is messy!


More of Mom's Special Moments said...

The only good dog is a HOT DOG !!! Ha what a day!

Joe McShinsky said...

Looks like she is trying to toot in the sink. ha

Libby said...

Oh, I'm sorry you had a bad day! Sounds like it went around the clock. Dad just said that he will have to step up the dog run on the other side of the house.