Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sunday Dresses

I put the girls in their matching dresses this morning, but Lilys was just way too big! So she had to wear something else..but when we got home we took some pictures in the matching ones.
Ella wasn't very cooperative, but at least we got a picture!

Lily loves to wear these warm jammies. She normally wears the cute pink bear ones, but they were in the laundry so I dug these out of the Christmas box! They are probably for a boy but she looked pretty cute with the little antlers!

Ella discovered scarves yesterday! She looks pretty cute in them too! The hat is a little funny though, she looks like a conehead! She is wearing her new horsey shirt from gymboree too, this is a few minutes before she spit chocolate milk all over she only gets water in her cup. Any other suggestions to keep her from drinking then spitting it all over the place?!


cbg84 said...

Way too cute! I love that last one with Ella and Lily!

More of Mom's Special Moments said...

I sure cant see who Lily looks like yet. .can you???

Jessica said...

Wow, that first picture of Ella and Lily in matching dresses-- way cute. I love the antlers!

Libby said...

It is probably fun for her to see her parents jump when she spits. She probably doesn't see it as spitting, more like...look at mom jump.
Cute girls. You are having way too much fun!