Thursday, February 26, 2009

Big Girl

When Ella was playing with her toys this morning, she looked over at me with a weird face and said poop. So I ran her to the bathroom really fast and she went in the big girl potty! So this is a pretty gross topic, but it was so funny when the poo would splash in the pot she would get so happy and clap her hands and say yah! And she was so excited to look and see in the potty that she pooped a little turd on the floor! At least it was like bunny poop so it was easily cleaned up! Oh the joys of potty training! She doesn't tell me when she has to go potty though, so i'm not sure if she's ready for potty training..but even if she just goes poop in the big girl potty i'd be happy to change that many less poopy diapers!

Ella on the potty!

Please Mom, no more pictures!

1 comment:

More of Mom's Special Moments said...

Thats priceless. . jumping the poo out! HA. . children are such a joy!