We went out to dinner tonight at the Mayan. We were planning on taking Mike out and leaving the girls with Grandpa Phil, but with Grandma Libby not feeling good we decided to take them with us...so we picked the Mayan so Ella would be entertained. She loved it! The appetizer and dessert was amazing, the actual food, not my favorite but still okay..we had a great table and Ella could sit in her chair and watch the divers and waterfalls while we ate and chatted. We were so close that as the divers jumped the water flew off their wet bodies and hit us in the face, so nasty..I guess that's the price you pay to have your 2 year old entertained while you eat! ha
Joe and Lily waiting to be seated..
there was like a party of 40 that was right before us..nice

Ella playing peek a boo with Mike

She loved watching them dive in the water...
I made Joe keep a hand on her the whole time,
but we were right above the water so if she fell at least she'd land in the water!

Fried Ice Cream, soo yummy
Not as good as the stuff from Cassies familys restaurant, but pretty close
(I really liked the added tortilla thing at the bottom..Cass you should tell your fam about that!)(Oh and in the right corner you can see he queso dip..sooo yummy!)
I just brought the old camera so the pictures are awful but at least I took some!
Nothing better then watching half naked dudes while you eat..haha so just kidding!

Going in for dessert! Mmm Good!