We went for a walk this afternoon and took some pictures of the girls..we were going to do a family picture but that will have to wait for another day..
I love her eyes in this picture

Ella was terrified to sit on the fence..for good reason too, about 10 seconds after I snapped this picture she toppled off backwards!

Even though she looks really sad, this was before the fall!

I'm having way too much fun playing with photoshop!

This wall is where we will take our family picture when we go again (much later in the evening when its cooled down a bit!) I wanted to take a test picture to play around with and make sure the lighting looked good, so Joe and Ella posed next to it for me..

On the walk home Ella kept saying, "really cold mama, really cold!" Translation, really hot! ha So when we got to the yard she ran to her pool and hiked up her dress and got in, sandals and all!