Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Ellas First Visit to the ER

Tonight Ella fell and hit her head on the entertainment center ..our entertainment center has two little cubbies with doors on them, well she hit right on the handle to the door and got a pretty good gash so we took her to the ER to see if she needed stitches.

Waiting for the Dr.

They put some numbing stuff on a cotton ball and put it under that bandaid for 30 min

Then they swaddled her in a sheet and strapped her down in this thing..
well that worked until they started cleaning the wound..then she got her arms out!
still not sure how she did that! So they put her arms in a pillow case and then swaddled her and then strapped her back down before they started the stitches...

I'm not sure what the nurse was doing, I think it was a shot to numb it maybe?

They took this syringe thing and filled it with water, and then flushed out the wound a few times
Align CenterAfter they flushed it, it puffed up really big..
the nurse said it takes in some of the water

Getting her first stitches
All stitched up!
So happy to be done!


More of Mom's Special Moments said...

It has a huge bruise there too huh? Poor little thing. .hopefully she doesnt have nightmares tonight about the whole thing. . Now she and Taylor will both have head scars!! HA She's learning that great, smile for me smile, isnt she?? HA

Jessica said...

Oh poor Ella! What is happening with McShinskys and hospitals lately!

Ryan & Brooke said...

Did she cry at all?

Maddie said...

Oh yes, there was plenty of crying and screaming..I just happened to be taking pictures on the opposite side her head was turned so you can't see her screaming face!

Rach said...

poor girl!