She loves to read!
(this kid can find a horse in ANY book she has)

It's hard to get a good picture of her these days, she's always running! She will run in a circle around the living room yelling "round and round, round and round!"

This is Lilys sad face, it pretty much cracks me up!

Stacking the blocks as high as she can, so she can kick it over!

Modeling her new rain gear
(the rain coat and boots are some of the ones I got when the Childrens Orchard
was going out of business when Ella was like 6 months old)


Cute Lily

New dress...
Lilys other new thing is that she spits bubbles, its pretty funny, when she gets excited or when she's chatty she gets these little spit bubbles all over

Shes getting so big!

This is really long and probably boring to anyone but my Mom..
Tomorrow we are taking the girls to see the Easter bunny at the mall..right now Ella is pretty excited, so I hope she stays that way and doesn't freak out! We are going to the farther away mall because the easter bunny at the South Towne mall freaks me out, so I don't want it to scare Ella! I was kinda bummed when I found out the Provo mall wasnt doing the easter bunny this year. We've taken ella there every year and its fun to see the same bunny/background with Ella a year older, but hopefully it will be close! AND next Saturday(Mom can you help me remember!!) we get to take her to see the Budweiser Clydesdales at Wal-Mart and she will be soo excited to see them! I don't have anything else..and the video is not done uploading..guess i'll go to bed and post in the mornin!