Today we decided to go to the State Fair. My friend Cassie and her mom drove up from Orem to go with us. As we were standing in line waiting to buy our tickets , one of the workers came up to me and asked if I would like some free fair tickets, well duh! Ha, I said I would love some, and he gave me 5 of them , and Bob had 2 so we all got in for free and still had one ticket left over! That was a great start to our day, I love saving money! ha
Ella all ready to go!

They had this little farm area/walk thru where Ella got to do all sorts of fun farm activities..
Ella milking the cow, she also fed it corn

Ella picking her apples from the tree..

My friend Cassie and Me!
(yeah the sun was right in my face..lovely!)

Ella planting her vegetable seed

Ella picking her vegetable after it grew..hehe

Looking in her bucket of goodies,
at the end she sorted everything she had gathered and then
she got paid a fair dollar and got to spend it in the little store they had.
She picked out some girl!

We thought they looked like Harry and Hermione..hehe

Joe measuring up to the horse thing

Joe and Ella

We took Bobby with us to the fair, and he had a couple of free passes to ride the rides...this is one of the ones he went on! Brave kid!

Ella got to play one of the carnival games, she won a little green puppy

Joe and I won shirts at the Utah's Own booth/wheel game thingy..they are pretty ugly, but hey a free shirt is a free shirt! ha

And my friend Cassie gave us this adorable
outfit for baby Emaleigh. Thanks Cass!
(We're liking this name the best, it was the first one we both agreed on!)