Thursday, November 13, 2008

No Hair

So after seeing a lot of babies being born lately with LOTS of hair, I was curious why miss Ellas hair refuses to grow...I was looking at some baby pictures of me and now I know why Ella has no hair, she got it from me! But at least things are looking up, she should have a nice little do by the time she is three! ha

I'm guessing the first one is me at 1, and then the second is at 3
(that smurf in the background is Debby holding baby Jenny
and I think its Dusty is sitting on the chair behind my head)

Third birthday party Disneyland at almost 2

I was looking for a baby picture of my sister, but I can't find one. It will be interesting to see what this next baby girl looks like. My sister and I looked nothing alike as babies, she had dark hair and and dark eyes and I was blonde and blue eyed...although the McShinsky genes are really strong so she will probably look just like her Daddy like Ella does, but it will be fun to see, only 9 weeks left!!

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