Friday, October 19, 2007

Evil Giant Spider and Cute Ella

The other day I called my mom and told her I saw a spider as big as a mouse run under my lovesac...well today I think I found its baby..I didn't think to take a picture of the giant one as I screamed and threw a book at it, but this one was about half the size and in the middle of the floor so I took the time for a quick picture before I threw the book.....Pretty nasty eh?
And some pictures of Ella in her cute new Bubble Gum Outfit...

Ella got her second tooth today!
(well that I noticed anyway..)


Joe McShinsky said...

Eww! It looks bigger in the picture too! That is a cute outfit!

Madison McShinsky said...

No really, thats how big it was! And it was the baby one! :)

a said...

GROSS SPIDER! Totally nasty

And congrats on the teeth. Such a cute little girl :)

Cass said...

I went to look and see what kind of spider it was it sort of looked like a brown recluse, but then the back legs didn't match it looks more like a Huntsman spider, they are supposed to be low-risk non-aggressive, cept whey they are the momma ones then they are really aggressive. The link is above if you wanna see what I was lookin at. Ella bella is so cute!