Thursday, October 11, 2007

3 Wheelin Weekend

Ella in her riding gear!
(her pink one is still too big!)
Joe, Dad, Me w/ Ella
Even Mom got in on the action!! Go Melvie!
Me, Ella and Joe
Mom and Dad (in his new Jersey!!..Finally!)


Joe McShinsky said...

It was a fun weekend! It was fun to have Lyn & Steve here! I found out that there is a large open area that we didn't come close to. I think we should take Madi out again to 'White Sands' where its more dunish (not grassy) and has the open area so she can ride.

Joe McShinsky said...

It looked like Steve really liked his Jersey! Lyn will have to keep us updated if he still uses it when he goes to the dunes in Oregon. :) Ella looked like she had a good time too! She always likes to be outside though. :) Madi!!! I never really got to see you ride! I guess that means we have to go again so I can see you ride!