Getting ready for the baby fair
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Sunday Afternoon Outside
Joe wanted to work on his trailer this afternoon so Ella and I went out to watch..she didn't do so much watching...she mostly tried to eat the leaves of the tomatoes and squash from the garden...
Ella in her walker
Friday, September 21, 2007
Order of the Arrow..or something
Yesterday we went to Richards boy scout thing for him to leave cub scouts..i think..i'm not exactly sure..anyway..they wanted Joe to dress up and help with the program so we went..
Ella ready to go
(they are wearing their younger brothers outfits
who both happen to be extremely skinny! ha)
Practicing...Ella and I were in the hall for the actual program...
She's a screamer! The babies playin outside
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Leg Warmers
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
We were sorting through some totes of baby clothes to give some stuff away and Ella kept trying to climb in! She seemed to like it in there!
it pulled down over her face! It kinda looked like a big blog of black hair, ha
And finally...I was in the kitchen getting dinner ready and Ella was playing with her toys when I noticed it got really quite..I went to check on her and she was no where to be seen! I went back to the bedrooms and she wasn't there I flipped on the light in the bathroom and this is what I found!
She's a busy one!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Thank you Freecycle!
Today I emailed someone about a "broken" swing they were offering (which was less then 3 month old!). I figured I could check it out and give it away if it couldn't be fixed. I was all ready to tear it apart and decided to check the batteries first..well one of them had leaked. Once I cleaned off the acid and put in new works like new! I feel kind of bad for the people who just gave it away, but I love it! I checked at and it retails for $120! Yah for Freecycle!!
Ella testing it out...
Ella Says Mama
Ella has started saying mama..I don't think she has any idea of what it means, but hey, she can say it!
Sunday, September 16, 2007
I ordered Ella some costumes for Halloween on ... I didn't know which to get so I got two figuring we'd probably need a change anyway.. (also because the crab was only 6.99 and too cute to pass! ) So we did some trying on this afternoon after church..the kitty is still a bit big and will need an undershirt and some cute tights..but I think they are pretty cute!
Ella in her crab costume..minus the pants
Friday, September 14, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
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