Sunday, July 15, 2007

New Dress and New Hair

Yesterday morning I had Joe cut my hair..I didn't really think it would be too hard to cut a staight line, but I guess it is..ha, he suggested I tilt my head all day so it would be even on both sides...but then the back was still longer then the front! Ha, so after going around all day with funny hair, I went to the salon and got it fixed as soon as we got back from Park City..and thats my new dress..cute huh...


a said...

WOW! What cute hair! Love the polka dots1!

Joe McShinsky said...

I cut a straight line! One for each side and one for the back. ha Sorry. Thats a great hair-cut though (the fixed one)! I like the dress too!

Lyn said...

Totally cute hair. . .are you sure you want to make it darker???