(this is for Mom, because I will most likely forget before you call me this afternoon!)
Today we had an appointment with a nutritionist for ella where they check her weight and height and make sure i'm giving her the right foods and all that good stuff....Well first they do weight and they say she has been on a great weight gain since birth, (which is great! I always thought she must be huge because her little cousin is sooo tiny!)...she is in the 97th percentile...so when they check height against weight, ella is only in the 15th percentile for weight because she is soo tall!
So she is 20lbs and 31inches
here are some pictures from after...
Giving her lamb loves


Not the best picture, but I just thought her outfit was cute today!
(her sweater is size 2t!)

Riding while eating breakfast (french toast sticks..mmm)

Taking a break!