Monday, March 9, 2009

Family Night

We are horrible about doing family home evening so I am trying to do at least something all together, so tonight we decorated a cookie..yes thats right a cookie, the rest turned out horrible! ha, but at least there aren't a lot of cookies around for me to eat!
(and I threw this one out after Ella had a couple of bites)

She LOVED adding sprinkles
Daddy helping with the green candies

Frosting the cookie
(these are a little out of order)

Ella with the finished cookie

Lily hung out in her bouncer with the good cookies!
(we made up a cookie plate for Uncle Richard who is in the hospital)
(Lily is wearing part of her St. Patrick's day outfit that I made Sunday)


More of Mom's Special Moments said...

Way to go McShinskys for having FHE!! Dad and I went to the Grocery Outlet for ours!! HA

Joe McShinsky said...

ha, I like the pic where she is holding the cookie. She is so proud! ha